Top 10 Questions

  • There are three chapel opportunities every week.

    Mondays @ 7 pm - 7:50 pm | Student Union

    Wednesday @ 9:30 am - 10:20 am | Chapel Warehouse

    Friday @ 9:30 am - 10:20 am | Chapel Warehouse

  • All full-time (12+ units) traditional undergraduate students are required to attend 20 Chapels each semester.

    If a student fails to meet their Chapel requirement, they will be subject to the Chapel Non-Compliance sanctions as explained below in our Chapel Policies.

  • At Jessup we utilize the iAttended App to check into chapel. When you arrive, there will be a live QR code displayed inside and outside of chapel that you scan by logging into the iAttended App and clicking “Scan Code.” The app will open your phone’s camera and scan the QR code which will record your attendance.

    To Download iAttended:

    iAttended app for iOS.

    iAttended app for Android.

  • You can view your chapel attendance by opening the iAttended App on your phone or by logging into iAttended on the Desktop.

  • Students who foresee that attending 20 Chapels in the course of a semester may be impossible due to life/work obligations may file a Chapel Petition at the beginning of each semester. The Chapel Petition is available during the first two weeks of each semester. Forms submitted after the deadline will be accepted up to halfway up through the semester for a $25 late fee. Please contact for more information or to request permission to submit a late form.

    If approved, students may be allowed to complete a number of Chapels virtually by watching chapel videos from the current semester on their own time through iAttended.

    Approved petitions are valid only for the term in which it was requested. A new petition must be submitted for each term.

  • If you do not meet your Chapel requirement, you will be considered Chapel Non-compliant and face Chapel Non-compliance sanctions. These sanctions are tier-structured, with consequences dependent upon the student’s level of non-compliance:

    Chapel Non-Compliance – Level 1

    In a student’s first occurrence of Chapel non-compliance, he/she must:

    • Sign and complete a Chapel policy acknowledgment and attendance commitment

    • Pay a $150 Chapel non-compliance fine

    Chapel Non-Compliance – Level 2

    In a student’s second occurrence of Chapel non-compliance, he/she must:

    • Sign and complete a Chapel policy acknowledgment and attendance commitment

    • Pay a $300 Chapel non-compliance fine

    Chapel Non-Compliance – Level 3

    In a student’s third occurrence of Chapel non-compliance, he/she must:

    • Sign and complete a Chapel policy acknowledgment and attendance commitment

    • Pay a $500 Chapel non-compliance fine

    • Schedule a meeting with the Director of Campus Ministries, PJ Garza, to discuss the chapel requirements and a plan of action moving forward.

  • Auditions for interested worship leaders, vocalists, and instrumentalists are held at the beginning of each semester. Students may apply to audition for the morning Chapel band and The Porch band at that time.

    Freshmen can audition and be part of the team. We will make several announcements in chapel with the specific dates to sign up, so be on the lookout!

    Email with any questions.

  • If the iAttended app is malfunctioning on your phone, complete the following steps:

    • Uninstall and reinstall the app.

    • Make sure you sign in with your email.

    • Send Campus Min an email if issues persist.

  • Your chapel attendance is updated immediately after every chapel. You can view your chapel attendance in the iAttended App (or at under the “Attended” tab.

    You can also view your attendance by clicking on chapel attendance in your student portal in

    • At Jessup we utilize the iAttended App to check into chapel. When you arrive there will be a live QR code displayed inside and outside of chapel that you scan by logging into the iAttended App, and clicking “Scan Code.” The app will open your phone’s camera and scan the QR code which will record your attendance.



  • Students who foresee that attending 20 Chapels in the course of a semester may be impossible due to life/work obligations may file a Chapel Petition at the beginning of each semester. The Chapel Petition is available during the first two weeks of each semester. Forms submitted after the deadline will be accepted up to halfway up through the semester for a $25 late fee. Please contact for more information or to request permission to submit a late form.

    If approved, students may be allowed to complete a number of Chapels virtually by watching chapel videos from the current semester on their own time and completing a quiz for each.

    Approved petitions are valid only for the term in which it was requested. A new petition must be submitted for each term.

  • Chapel petitions open the week before classes start each semester and remain open for the first two weeks of the semester. After the first two weeks of the semester, a Chapel petition may be submitted late for a $25 charge. Chapel petitions may not be submitted after the halfway point of the semester.

  • Approved Chapel petitions are valid for one semester only. A new petition needs to be submitted for each future semester the student might need one.

  • We do our best to respond to all Chapel petition requests within one week of the date of submission. During peak processing season (the first two weeks of school), it may take up to two weeks to receive a response. It is the student’s responsibility to follow up regarding the status of their petition if they do not receive a response.

  • If you are required to turn in additional documentation, you have 30 days from the date your petition was received by the Campus Ministries Office. If you do not submit your required documentation by this deadline, your petition will expire.

  • If a student starts a new job midway through the semester and needs a petition, they will need to submit a work letter on company letterhead within two weeks of the date of hire. The work letter must include the start date and the student’s work schedule. This would allow for the student to submit a late petition for no charge.

  • Ultimately, chapel attendance is each student’s responsibility. If approved, your petition may require you to attend a few Chapels in person. We recommend that you attend whenever you are able so that you don’t find yourself behind schedule later in the semester. If your petition is denied, you will be responsible for attending the full 20 Chapels and having attended earlier in the semester will help you to reach your requirement.

  • If you are requesting a Chapel accommodation due to work, internship, or student teaching responsibilities, you will need to complete and attach one of the following forms.

    Please download the form, complete it, and scan it to upload it to your application.

    Please complete a form for each situation that applies to you. This form itself is NOT the Alternate Chapel Petition. It needs to be attached to the online petition below. If you are requesting a Chapel accommodation due to a medical or health related concern, please fill out this chapel accommodation form through Disability Support Services instead of the full Chapel Petition below.

    • Student are expected to remain in Chapel for the whole Chapel service.

    • Should a student need to step out of Chapel to use the restroom or take a brief important phone call, they must return to chapel in a timely manner.

    • If a student abuses this freedom, they may have their Chapel credit taken away for that day.

    • If a pattern of abuse emerges, the student will be subject to disciplinary actions.

    • Students may only exit Chapel through the main entry and exit doors. Leaving through the fire exit doors is prohibited.

    • Students who attempt to leave Chapel without scanning out will not receive chapel credit for the day.

    • Students who attempt to falsify their Chapel attendance through any means (including sneaking out early, having another student scan their ID on their behalf, etc.) will be subject to disciplinary actions. Cheating or lying to receive Chapel attendance credit will not be tolerated.

  • It is the responsibility of each student to track their own Chapel credits via the Iattended App or their online student portal to ensure they meet the requirement for class enrollment/graduation each semester. We recommend checking your Chapel attendance on a weekly basis in your Student Portal.

    If for any reason, you have a Chapel credit missing, please fill out the Missing Chapel Form.

    • Students will have two weeks after a Chapel date to notify Campus Ministries of a Chapel credit missing.

    • If the student does not notify Campus Ministries within two weeks of the given Chapel date, credit will not be given.

  • If you cannot attend 20 Chapels in person, we recommend completing a Chapel petition which would allow you to complete a portion of your requirement online.

  • If you have 11 units or less you are considered “part-time” and do not have a chapel requirement. You do not have to attend a certain number of chapels, but you are always welcome.

  • These types of waivers must be submitted to the Campus Ministries Office by the coach. It is the student’s responsibility to follow up with his or her coach regarding any delays.


  • If you do not meet your Chapel requirement, you will be considered Chapel non-compliant and face Chapel non-compliance sanctions. These sanctions are tier-structured, with consequences dependent upon the student’s level of non-compliance:

    Chapel Non-Compliance – Level 1

    • In a student’s first occurrence of Chapel non-compliance, he/she must:

      • Sign and complete a Chapel policy acknowledgment and attendance commitment

      • Pay a $150 Chapel non-compliance fine

    Chapel Non-Compliance – Level 2

    • In a student’s second occurrence of Chapel non-compliance, he/she must:

      • Sign and complete a Chapel policy acknowledgment and attendance commitment

      • Pay a $300 Chapel non-compliance fine

    Chapel Non-Compliance – Level 3

    • In a student’s third occurrence of Chapel non-compliance, he/she must:

      • Sign and complete a Chapel policy acknowledgment and attendance commitment

      • Pay a $500 Chapel non-compliance fine

      • Schedule a meeting with the Director of Campus Ministries, PJ Garza, to discuss the chapel requirements and a plan of action moving forward

  • All full-time undergraduate students must attend chapel regardless of age. Please review criteria for chapel petitions. Nontraditional undergraduate students enrolled in Jessup’s ADC or Graduate programs are not required to attend Chapel.

  • If you are suffering from a chronic illness, we recommend that you complete a Chapel Petition and document how your condition impacts your ability to attend Chapel. If you are suffering from a short-term illness (infection, hospital stay, etc.), you may email to request a waiver. You will need to provide documentation within two weeks of the date of the absence(s) for the absence(s) to be waived. Accepted forms of documentation would be a note from your doctor requiring you to miss class/work/etc.

  • The death of a family member is considered a reason for chapel waiver. Please email so that our office is aware of your situation. You will need to provide documentation within two weeks of the date of the absence(s) for the absence(s) to be waived. Accepted forms of documentation would be a memorial card or funeral program.

  • The number of Spiritual Life Credits required for each student is dependent upon the number of units accepted by the Registrar’s office upon their admission to the university. The required credit scale is broken down below:

    • 0-44 units = 12 Spiritual Life Credits required to graduate

    • 45-59 units = 10 Spiritual Life Credits required to graduate

    • 60-74 units = 8 Spiritual Life Credits required to graduate

    • 75+ units = 6 Spiritual Life Credits required to graduate

  • There are a TON of ways to earn Spiritual Life Credit. We find that it is easiest to break down opportunities by category:

    Service Credit Options

    Service is focused on introducing people outside the church to the love of God and being the tangible hands and feet of Jesus. These experiences involve students sharing the love and hope of Jesus with others in a personal and intentional way. Service credit is a required category. You need to obtain at least 1 credit of Service.

    • Local Outreach: 1 credit for every 4 hours of service

    • Global Outreach / Mission Trip: 4 credits*

      *Minimum of 7 days on the field

    • Local Church Service: 1 credit for every 4 hours of service

    • Community Service: 1 credit for every 4 hours of service

    Discipleship Credit Options

    Discipleship is focused on students being immersed in community and being poured into by spiritual mentors that can guide them along in their walk with Jesus. Discipleship is a required category. You need to obtain at least 1 credit of Discipleship.

    • Jessup Spiritual Formation Group (SFG): 2 credits

    • Church Small Group: 2 credits*

      *Must meet for at least 1 hour every week for at least 9 weeks during the semester

    • Intentional Mentorship: 2 credits*

      *Must meet for at least 1 hour every week for at least 9 weeks during the semester

    • Discipleship Retreat: 1 credit*

      *Must complete at least 4 hours of workshops, sessions, or intentional training to receive credit.

  • Because we believe that both Service and Discipleship are integral parts to dynamic and growing Christian life, engagement with both kinds of credit is required. You need to obtain a minimum of 1 credit of Service and 1 credit of Discipleship. Past that, you can mix and match the credit system as you’d like!

  • You are able to earn a maximum of 4 credits each semester. This includes fall, winter, spring, and summer.

    You will not need to earn more than 12 credits total to meet your requirements (and even less if you transferred in units!). That means you can complete your total SLC requirement in less than 1 calendar year if you are committed.

  • If you do not complete your Spiritual Life Credits, you will not be able to receive your diploma at graduation. There is no way around this – no fees or exceptions. Because SLCs are a graduation requirement, you need to complete them much like you need to complete all of your required coursework for graduation.

    If you are a graduating senior and you still have outstanding Spiritual Life Credits, your diploma will not be conferred until you submit the required paperwork.

Spiritual Life Credits

  • TONS of things DO count for Spiritual Life Credit, but there are some experiences that are not eligible. They include:

    • Participation with churches, organizations, businesses or functions that do not align with William Jessup University’s Statement of Faith or Community Covenant.

    • Paid internships, student teaching positions, and other paid or for-credit activities.

    • Service and Discipleship experience prior to enrollment at William Jessup University.

    • Volunteer work that benefits William Jessup University (i.e. scanning ID cards for Chapel, giving tours, tutoring students, etc.).

    • Service that is done on behalf of family members.

  • You can earn SLCs at a variety of places – here at Jessup, at your local church, or working in the community! Check out our resource pages below if you need help finding a place to serve or be discipled:

    • Pre-Approved Partnership Organizations

      • This list is by no means exhaustive! If you find a place that you want to serve that is not on our list, by all means, go and serve there! If you want to know for sure if the experience will be eligible for credit, you can email for official approval.

    • Local Church Guide

    • Jessup Local + Global Outreach Opportunities

  • You can apply for Spiritual Life Credit by submitting a Spiritual Life Credit Form. Paper forms can be found in the Student Life Office. Online forms can be found by clicking here.

    Both forms will require verification from your supervisor. Paper forms require a signature. Online forms require leaders to fill out an online form sent to their email.

  • YES! We would love to help you plan out your Spiritual Life Credits.

    You can use the Spiritual Life Credit Planner to outline how you want to earn credits each year.

    If you want to set up a 1:1 advising meeting, email

  • SLC forms are due within the semester in which the service or discipleship was completed. If a Spiritual Life Credit activity was completed during the winter break, then the form is due by the end of the first week of Spring semester, and if it was completed during the summer, then it is due by the end of the first week of the Fall semester.

    If forms are turned in after these deadlines, they will be subject to a $25 fee per form.

Spiritual Formation Groups

  • You are not required to participate in a Jessup SFG, though it is highly encouraged! They also can be a great way to earn Discipleship Credit for your Spiritual Life Credit Requirement.

    • Before you register for an SFG, we recommend reading through all of the group options to determine which one fits best for you! All of our SFGs can be found at this link and you will be able to register for a group by clicking on “Join” once on the group page and following a few short verification steps. Once you join a group, you will see it added to your class schedule on your student portal within the first few weeks of school.

  • Unfortunately, we have a limited amount of space in our SFGs each semester. The groups are created with the intention of being able to get to know the other members of your group. In order to do this well, we try to cap most of our groups at 8 people.

    If the SFG you want to join is full, we encourage you to look at the other options available. We offer a wide variety of groups and topics each semester, so we are bound to have something else that piques your interest! If you cannot find another group or have scheduling conflicts, you can email to see if you can join a wait-list for the group you originally wanted.

  • Students enrolled in an SFG earn credit by faithfully attending a minimum of 9 of the offered meetings over the semester. A “Credit” or “No Credit” will automatically be given at the end of the semester solely based on group attendance. Students who receive semester credit will earn 2 Discipleship Credits towards their total Spiritual Life Credit requirement. Students are welcome to attend more than 1 SFG in a semester and can receive credit for up to two groups.

  • Yes! Spiritual Life Credits can be attained during the semester or over the summer for eligible small groups at a local Christian church or Christian para-church ministry that aligns itself with the William Jessup University’s Doctrinal Statement, Community Covenant, and Campus Ministry partnership parameters. To ensure that the small group meets Jessup’s Spiritual Life Credit parameters, we recommend contacting to verify. This helps eliminate any confusion about what is and is not eligible for credit before the experience is completed.

    Like our Jessup SFGs, your small group participation credit is based upon your faithful attendance to the group. You must attend the small group faithfully and intentionally during the course of the semester or summer in order to receive credit for your small group. You must submit a Spiritual Life Credit Form. Your small group leader will also be contacted to verify your faithful participation to the group.

    Spiritual Life Credit Forms are due at the end of each semester (or summer term) and may be turned in to the Student Life office no later than the Friday before finals week for eligibility. Forms for summer discipleship/small groups must be submitted by the fall add/drop deadline (at the end of the first week of the semester). A $25 late fee will be assessed for forms submitted after the deadline.

  • Any SFG or external small groups eligible for credit will:

    • Make the studying of the Bible and the building of relationships their main objectives in meeting together

    • Align with WJU’s Statement of Faith, and Community Covenant as well as WJU’s heritage

    • Be comprised of members 18 years or older (other college peers or adults)

      • Being a small group leader in high school, middle school, or elementary age contexts is considered Christian Service and is eligible for Christian Service Credit, not SFG/Small Group Credit

Joining A Group

Leading A Group

  • Our SFG Leaders are on the frontlines of discipleship here at Jessup. SFG Leader responsibilities include selecting a topic and curriculum for the length of the group, attending a short training seminar at the start of the semester, leading 12 hour-long sessions over the entire semester, keeping attendance for all participants, and pouring into the lives of the students in their group. We encourage our SFG Leaders to meet with students one-on-one if possible, but it is not a mandatory requirement of the role.

  • You have a lot of freedom in selecting your SFG topic! We want you to lead a group according to your passion and giftings. We are open to hearing any idea you have and love to have a diverse offering of SFG topics each semester! Our two biggest requirements for this would be that your topic is scripturally based (meaning that you will reference Scripture for each group meeting) and that it provides plenty of room for student discussion. If you are unsure what you would like to use for a topic, we have a plethora of great resources on hand that you can take a look at.

  • Our main time block for SFGs to take place is on Mondays from 9:30 am to 10:20 am. This is a period where students do not have class, so it is often the easiest time for scheduling purposes. That being said, we do have some commuter students that are only on campus Tuesday/Thursday, or students that have other commitments during that time block. For that reason, there is flexibility in when you can schedule your SFG. If there is another block of time that works better for your schedule (afternoons are often best), please feel free to inquire about that when you apply.

  • No, you do not. We love to hear the hearts of community members and fellow students that want to lead an SFG. If you do not have a direct relationship with Jessup but are interested in getting involved, please email to set up a meeting to discuss leading.

  • An SFG is a small group that anyone in the student body can register for. These groups are not academic, but part of the co-curricular spiritual development of our students. They are meant to be focused on discussion and leaders are seen as facilitators of the group, not teachers of a class. Additionally, SFGs are volunteer-only, so they do not come with any additional stipend.

  • All of our SFG Leader positions are volunteer only. However, leading an SFG does count as University Service for core faculty. We have been greatly blessed to see the Lord build up a strong volunteer team semester after semester and trust that he will continue to do so! That being said, we would love to take you out to lunch or buy you coffee some time for all the time you invest in our students!

  • You can apply by filing out the SFG Leadership application by clicking this link here.


  • Chapel speakers are selected by the Campus Ministries Office. You may email to submit chapel speaker suggestions.

  • We do our absolute best to choose speakers who we feel align with our Christian mission and who will properly teach, encourage, and challenge our students. Each chapel speaker signs a statement of agreement affirming Jessup’s doctrinal statement. Occassionally, though, given the nature of the speaking platform, certain things might be said in chapel that cause concern. Each of those concerns should be sent directly to our Director of Campus Ministries at

  • Auditions for interested worship leaders, vocalists, and instrumentalists are held at the beginning of each semester. Students may apply to audition for the morning Chapel band and The Porch band at that time.

    Freshmen can audition and be part of the team. We will make several announcements in chapel with the specific dates to sign up, so be on the lookout!

    Email with any questions.