Chapel Forms

  • Athletic Team Waiver (For Coaches Only)

    This form is for coaches to fill out.

  • Chapel Announcement Form

    If you would like to promote and event or announcement during chapel, please submit this form.

  • Chapel Petition

    Fill out this form if you are requesting chapel accommodation due to work, internship, or student teaching responsibilities. This form opened on August 12th and will close on Week 8 of the semester. However, any forms submitted after September 9th, 2024 will be considered late and will incur a $25 late fee. Please make sure to fill out any of the relevant forms listed below:

    Additional Forms:

    Work Schedule Form

    Internship Schedule Form

    Student Teaching Observation Form

  • Missing Chapel Credit?

    If you attended a chapel in person and noticed that you did not receive credit for attending in your Student Portal, please fill out this form. Additionally, if you arrived late to chapel (within 5 minutes), you can fill out this form to receive credit.

Spiritual Life

  • SFG Registration (Student)

    Our Spiritual Formation Groups (SFGs) are Jessup’s version of small groups, consisting of 4-10 students gathered with the purpose of studying scripture and building relationships on a more intimate level. We offer a wide variety of groups and topics to help meet students wherever they are at in their spiritual development.

    Meeting Begin September 9 and conclude November 22.

  • SFG Registration (Leader)

    Thank you for your interest in leading an SFG! Please supply our Campus Ministries leadership with the following information so that we can make an informed decision regarding the potential creation of this SFG.

  • Spiritual Life Credit Form

    To apply for Spiritual Life Credit, please fill out the online form below. You may also fill out and turn in paper forms available in the Student Life Office. Once you have completed your portion of the form, a link will be sent to your supervisor to complete a verification form. Your Spiritual Life Credit Form will not be considered complete until we have received the verification form from your supervisor.