SFG Leadership Applications

We have different applications for different types of leaders. Choose the application that describes you.

Additional Documents you will need to submit to complete your application. 👇


  • Our SFG Leaders are on the frontlines of discipleship here at Jessup. SFG Leader responsibilities include selecting a topic and curriculum for the length of the group, attending a short training seminar at the start of the semester, leading 12 hour-long sessions over the entire semester, keeping attendance for all participants, and pouring into the lives of the students in their group. We encourage our SFG Leaders to meet with students one-on-one if possible, but it is not a mandatory requirement of the role.

  • You have a lot of freedom in selecting your SFG topic! We want you to lead a group according to your passion and giftings. We are open to hearing any idea you have and love to have a diverse offering of SFG topics each semester! Our two biggest requirements for this would be that your topic is scripturally based (meaning that you will reference Scripture for each group meeting) and that it provides plenty of room for student discussion. If you are unsure what you would like to use for a topic, we have a plethora of great resources on hand that you can take a look at.

  • Our main time block for SFGs to take place is on Mondays from 9:30 am to 10:20 am. This is a period where students do not have class, so it is often the easiest time for scheduling purposes. That being said, we do have some commuter students that are only on campus Tuesday/Thursday, or students that have other commitments during that time block. For that reason, there is flexibility in when you can schedule your SFG. If there is another block of time that works better for your schedule (afternoons are often best), please feel free to inquire about that when you apply.

  • No, you do not. We love to hear the hearts of community members and fellow students that want to lead an SFG. If you do not have a direct relationship with Jessup but are interested in getting involved, please email campusministries@jessup.edu to set up a meeting to discuss leading.

  • An SFG is a small group that anyone in the student body can register for. These groups are not academic, but part of the co-curricular spiritual development of our students. They are meant to be focused on discussion and leaders are seen as facilitators of the group, not teachers of a class. Additionally, SFGs are volunteer-only, so they do not come with any additional stipend.

  • All of our SFG Leader positions are volunteer only. However, leading an SFG does count as University Service for core faculty. We have been greatly blessed to see the Lord build up a strong volunteer team semester after semester and trust that he will continue to do so! That being said, we would love to take you out to lunch or buy you coffee some time for all the time you invest in our students!

  • You can apply by filing out the SFG Leadership application by clicking this link here.