SFG Leader Handbook

Everything you need to know about leading a group this semester.

Groups Begins September 09


Apply Today


Groups Begins September 09 〰️ Apply Today 〰️

Important Dates This Semester

Week of August 25, 2024 | Training and Registration

Week of September 1, 2024 | Receive Roster and Room Assignments

Week of September 09, 2024 | First Group Meetings & Introductions

Day of October 14 / Holiday - No Monday Group Meetings 

Week of November 18, 2024 | Final Group Celebration

The Leader Handbook

Have additional questions or want to dive deeper, check out the expanded leader handbook.

Student Expectations

Participate thoughtfully in each group meeting

  • Attend at least 9 SFG gatherings in the course of a semester

    • Equivalent to 2 absences

  • Refrain from using electronics (phone, laptop, tablets, etc.)

  • Respect their SFG leader and other students

Leader Expectations

Host  11 SFG gatherings that are faithful to the program’s core values

  • Keep weekly attendance

    • Students may only have 2 absences  per semester

    • Attendance sheets must be returned to Jerome by the last group meeting.

  • Maintain your meeting room

  • Mandated reporting

Meeting Spaces

If you prefer to meet elsewhere (off-campus, apartment, etc.) please contact Laura (Lumeh@jessup.edu).

If you want to move locations, check with Laura (Lumeh@jessup.edu).

Student Registration

Students need to be registered in Planning Center. Here is the link for student registration.

If they aren’t they may not receive credit for the group.

Leader Absences

If you know you cannot host a meeting, please find a guest speaker or ask a student to lead.

In emergencies/last minute sickness, please contact Laura (Lumeh@jessup.edu)

How To Use Planning Center

General Overview

How To Take Attendance