Summer Students

Summer School 2024: April 29 - August 16

Spaces available for Summer Session: 64 bed spaces // 3rd floor of the Block

Summer Students

  • Food service is not available in the summer.

    Payment: Everyone not enrolled in summer classes must pay the full total before receiving their summer key. Students who are enrolled in summer classes may select a payment plan.

    Summer Rate: $2500

    Apply for Summer Housing April 1st

    Roommate Requests:  April 15: Priority Deadline for summer students wanting to link with a roommate

  • To be eligible to live in University housing during the summer session(s), the student must be a currently enrolled Jessup University student and be in good academic and/or financial standing. Students that are under/not full-time status (12 units) or a graduate student may request summer housing and may be assigned if space allows.

    When a returning student desires a summer accommodation but is not enrolled in summer school units, the student may be assigned if space allows. This will happen if 1) the student has a summer affiliation to the University and/or 2) the student is degree seeking and enrolled in the subsequent fall semester.

    If/when a student graduates from Jessup University and is requesting summer school housing, the student must pay in full before a key and housing assignment are given. 

    Students that are here for summer session(s) but are not enrolled in the upcoming fall semester and/or do not have a Fall housing assignment, will have their summer contract end on July 31st.  Students will have pro-rated refunds based on when they check-out.

    Students living in Jessup University Housing are required to be available to move from the summer assignment to their Academic Year assignment beginning August 1. Summer residents will receive notification emails from the Residence Life & Housing Office to their Jessup email with timeline and directions for move. If a student fails to transition within the timeline given, students will receive up to $150.00 fine for non-compliance.