Global Outreach Team Leadership

Why lead a Global Outreach trip?

Easily one of the most essential roles on our Global Outreach Teams are the leaders. Every GO team is led by a Student Leader that has been on a Jessup Global Outreach Team in the past and by a Staff or Faculty Advisor that has international missions experience. The leadership responsibilities are split among the Student Leader and the Staff/Faculty Advisor, with each overseeing important team bonding elements, logistical duties and helping the team stay on track with raising financial supporters. While it is a lot to take on, leading a team is also wildly fulfilling and fun. With the support of the Global Outreach staff, our Team Leaders and Advisors help our program be successful every year.

We welcome all Jessup Faculty and Staff members to prayerfully consider advising a team during their tenure at Jessup! We believe it to be a rewarding experience where you are able to connect with students outside the classroom and to bond with a small team who, in most cases, becomes like family. To give you a better idea of all that is involved in being a Staff/Faculty or Student Leader, we invite you to review the information below. After reading, if you are interested in leading a team, you can click the link at the bottom of the page to fill out an application for the Global Outreach staff to review upon leadership selection season.

What are the responsibilities of a GO Staff/Faculty Advisor?

Act as the liaison between the students and university policies and regulations

  • Attend all required Global Outreach meetings, trainings and retreat

  • In partnership with the student leader assist in leading weekly individual team time in the Spring

  • Develop trust and healthy relationships with teammates over the course of Spring training

  • Meet regularly (at least once a month) during the Spring semester with the Student Leader for personal check-ins

  • Prepare for his/her team’s field assignment, including:

    • Practice personal testimonies and culturally-appropriate Gospel presentations

    • Communicate with the field partner, as per the Global Outreach staff’s instructions

    • Prepare any teaching/training material needed as required by field partner

    • Study and become familiar with the culture of the destination country, and lead trainings to prepare the team culturally

    • Complete any extra application paperwork as required by field partner

    • Become familiar with travel requirements of assigned country (i.e. COVID tests, immunizations, visa entry requirements, etc.)

  • Commit to raising the allotted cost to help cover travel, training and team costs

  • Support the Global Outreach staff as they oversee the financial progress of the team, including helping to organize at least one team fundraiser

  • Manage the team budget while on the field

  • While on the field, facilitate any necessary conflict resolution between team members, facilitate daily team devotionals, and lead debriefs

  • Follow Jessup Emergency Protocol while on the field in case of a national or team emergency.

What are the responsibilities of a GO Student Leader?

Be an example for students as to how they should uphold university policies and regulations

  • Attend all required meetings, trainings and retreat (dates outlined in a separate document)

  • In partnership with the Staff/Faculty Advisor assist in leading weekly individual team time in the Spring semester

  • Under the direction of the Team Leader(s) assist in leading weekly individual team time in the Spring

  • Develop trust and healthy relationships with teammates over the course of Spring training

  • Meet regularly (at least once a month) during the Spring semester with the Staff/Faculty Advisor(s) for personal check-ins

  • Assist in the preparation for his/her team’s field assignment, including:

    • Practice personal testimonies and culturally-appropriate Gospel presentations

    • Become an “expert” on cultural awareness in your country as you prepare to go

    • Communicate with the field partner, as per the Global Outreach staff’s instructions

    • Prepare any teaching/training material needed as required by field partner

    • Complete any extra application paperwork as required by field partner

  • Commit to raising the allotted cost to help cover travel, training and team costs

  • Support the Global Outreach staff as they oversee the financial progress of the team, including helping to organize at least one team fundraiser

What dates/times am I committing to this year?

We have calendared out all dates at which Team Leaders would be required to be present during the school year. While attendance at the following events is mandatory we understand that schedules change, so please know that being unable to attend any one particular event does not automatically exclude you from being considered to lead a team. The following dates summarize the calendar year for our 2024/2025 Global Outreach Team Leaders:

  • Team Leader Training – Wednesday, October 2, 2024 from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

  • Team Interviews – Various times beginning October 8 and ending October 23 (About 10 hours of time cleared in your schedule is necessary to hold interviews during these two weeks)

  • Team Draft Day – Wednesday, October 23, 2024 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

  • Meet Your Team Night – Wednesday, November 13, 2024 from 6:00 pm 9:00 pm

  • Team Leader Training - Tuesday, December 3, 2024 from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

  • Team Leader Training – Tuesday, January 14, 2025 from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

  • Spring Training – Begins January 15, Wednesdays from 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm – ends February 26, 2025

  • Retreat – Friday, January 31 - Sunday, February 2, 2025 (2-night overnight retreat in Nevada City)

  • Team Leader Training - Tuesday, March 11, 2025 from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

  • Commissioning Chapel – Wednesday, April 9, 2025 from 6:00pm - 7:30pm

  • Team Leader Logistics Meeting – Tuesday, April 15, 2025 from 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

What is the cost of the trip?

We understand the time commitment and effort that it takes to lead these trips, so Student Leaders and Staff/Faculty Advisors receive a discount on their fundraising total. Flights, lodging, transportation, food, ministry/training supplies, and other in-country costs are included in this cost. In addition, pending your individual supervisor’s approval, staff and faculty will continue to receive their base compensation while on the two-week outreach, and will not be required to use PTO during that time away from the campus.

Sounds great! What are my next steps to sign up?

If you are a staff or faculty member and would like to lead a Global Outreach Team and want to put your name in for consideration, please fill out the Global Outreach Staff/Faculty Advisor Application here.

If you are a student and would like to lead a Global Outreach Team and want to put your name in for consideration, please fill out the Global Outreach Application here and check “Yes” to being a Student Leader.

If you have any questions or would like more information prior to submitting your name for consideration we welcome you to send an email to Kayla Balangue at