Global Outreach FAQs

We know considering going overseas can be a daunting task so we are happy to help explain our program, the application process and a few other frequently asked questions from previous participants.

Why are all the team locations listed as regions and not specific countries?

We advertise our teams as regions and not specific countries for a few reasons. One: We want participants to be drawn to a ministry and not a location.  We absolutely believe the Lord can give people a heart for a specific country but we want to foster a program that is more focused on the task we are called to rather than the destination. Two: Several of the locations in which our field partners serve are considered “closed” countries (or countries where it is not politically or socially acceptable to share the Gospel) so, for security reasons, we chose to list our locations as regions. Actual country locations will be revealed and discussed during in-person interviews with participants and the Global Outreach Staff.

Why do all the teams have the same approximate cost and what does that estimated cost cover?

All Global Outreach participants will need to raise $3,700 to go on a 2-week trip in Summer 2025. Our approach to our teams is not that individuals are alone in their fundraising efforts but they are joined with teammates and other teams to help reach a financial goal. We do not see it as “Person A is trying to raise X amount of money to go to X location,” but rather “All participants are trying to raise X amount of money so we can all go to X locations.” We also do not ever want price to be a factor in why someone applies for a team, so we ask that all teams raise the same amount with the understanding that funds can be divided among teams as needed. The cost listed covers everything but your passport, immunizations, sightseeing excursions, and souvenirs (including airline ticket, in-country transportation, lodging, food, ministry supplies, training materials, etc.).

Do you help participants raise funds?

Yes! We require that all our participants send out at least 50 support letters to raise prayer support and funds. The cost of the letterhead, envelopes, and postage is all covered in the total amount required to raise so this is at no cost to you! We also encourage each team to participate in at least one team fundraiser during the Spring semester.

Is training in the Spring and what is covered in training?

Training will happen every week during the Spring semester for two hours. The first seven weeks is a large training with all teams and the rest of the semester is training with your specific team. During the all-teams training we will discuss various training topics (how to share the Gospel and your testimony, culture shock, cultural awareness, packing tips, health and safety, etc.) and spend time in prayer as a program. The other time is just you and your team bonding over life stories, prepping for the ministry you will do on the field, and building trust with one another. We also go on a weekend retreat at the beginning of February!

Who leads each of the teams?

Every GO Team will be led by at least two people:

  • One Student Leader: A current student at Jessup, who has served on a GO Team in years past.

  • One Team Advisor: Jessup Faculty or Staff member.

Do you require immunizations?

Jessup University requires all participants to receive any immunization that is a requirement to enter his/her country of service. For example: Proof of a yellow fever vaccination is required for entrance into Rwanda so any team sent to Rwanda would have to have team members receive the vaccination. While we cannot require that all participants receive all recommended vaccinations we do strongly encourage participants to be up to date on their vaccinations and check with the CDC on what is suggested for the country in which the participant plans to serve.

Still have questions? Send an email to and we will get back to you!