Join a Global Outreach Team

Thank you for your interest in serving on a Global Outreach team! We are excited you are pursuing the opportunity to serve alongside your Jessup community in a cross-cultural context and we look forward to getting to know you better via your application.

Your Global Outreach application consists of three parts: 1) Application, 2) References and 3) Medical Form. Your application will be considered incomplete until all of the required sections of your application are submitted. The application for 2024 teams opens on September 9, 2024, and closes on October 8, 2024.  You cannot sign up for an interview if you are missing sections of the application or references. Please check with your references and make sure they have submitted them before October 10th. If you have any questions or concerns, please email

Application checklist:

Outreach Team Application + References (included in Application) - OPEN NOW!

Medical Form

PLEASE NOTE: A NON-REFUNDABLE deposit will be due once you are invited to and accept a team position on November 13, 2024. Please turn in a $150 deposit to Student Life once you receive your acceptance notification and would like to guarantee your spot on the team. If you have any questions feel free to check out our Frequently Asked Questions page or send an email to!

What is it like to be on a Global Outreach team?

Being on a Global Outreach team is a ton of fun, even before you travel overseas together! It is also a time commitment, especially in the Spring semester. We believe in sending teams of students overseas that are well-equipped for the work that they set out to do alongside our long-term partners. We will make sure that you are prepared to engage in cross-cultural ministry and that you have ample time to bond with your team and make connections that will outlast your 2 weeks in another country!

Your first meeting is on November 13th at 6:00pm in the Student Union. This is where you will make your deposit, learn more about what to expect from Global Outreach, and meet the rest of your team to start bonding!

In the Spring semester, teams will meet once a week every Wednesday night from 6-8pm. This training and team time takes place fully in person and is required of every team member (staff/faculty, student, or alumni) for the entirety of the semester. In addition, every team member is required to participate in the Global Outreach Retreat on January 31-February 2, 2025 in Nevada City. The cost for retreat and training is included in the total fundraised cost, and we think Retreat is one of the most fun weekends of the whole year, so you don’t want to miss it!