• Christmas Tree Lighting Activities Waiver

    Fill out this waiver to participate in the different activities provided during this year’s Christmas Tree lighting event. This does not cover waivers that vendors may require.

  • Rent Rec Items

    Rental Policy coming soon

  • C'LAB Suggestions

    What do you love? What do you not care for? What are some things you’d like to see C’lab do? Fill out this form to let us know some of your ideas!

  • Commuter Corner Suggestions

    Please use this form to let us know what you'd like to see in the commuter corner! Please remember that all snacks, coffee, and tea provided are organized by Student Activities interns and is meant to be a courtesy to our amazing Jessup Commuters. We recognize the craziness of life especially among college students and we love to provide treats to help brighten even the busiest of days. This, however, is not meant to replace daily meals. All commuters are encouraged to use their meal plans or bring meals from home which is why we provide a fridge and microwave to accommodate meals. Nonetheless, we would love to know the kinds of treats you'd like to see and we will restock when we are able to!

  • Adopt a Commuter

    The Student Government Association has partnered with Residence Life to provide an opportunity for access to certain residence life amenities such as lounge space. Have a current resident adopt you by submitting the adopt a commuter request form. You can find the forms in the Student Union and the Commuter Corner or you can print one off below!

    Step 1. Make a Commuter-Resident Duo

    Step 2. Pick up a form from the Commuter Corner or print one from below

    Step 3. Both students sign the form

    Step 4. Have the resident's RA sign the form

    Step 5. The RA turns the form in to the RD


  • Intent to Run Form

    Fill out Intent to Run Form. This needs to be filled out completely and thoroughly. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.

  • Signature Form

    Collect 50 signatures. All signatures must be from current students and accompanied by their student ID number. Any signature forms with false signatures, or signatures from anyone other than a current student will not be accepted. Signature forms are available on this page. You may print them out or pick up a copy from the office of the Student Coordinator.

  • Vote

    Voting Coming Soon.

  • We Want to Hear from You

    The Student Government Association is committed to representing you as the student body. We want to hear from you! Use the form below to share any questions, comments, concerns or ideas that you would like your SGA team to address.


  • 24-25 Intramural Waiver

  • Refs for Hire

    Love being involved? Love sports? Need to make a little extra money? We are now hiring students to ref Intramural games! Limited positions so don’t delay!

Clubs & Organizations

  • Intent to Form a Club

    Completing an Intent to Form a Club form is required before submitting the New Club Application. Click below to complete the form.

  • New Club/Organization Application

    After submitting the Intent to Form a Club/Org form, please fill out this New Club/Org Application. After completing, be sure to secure an advisor and have them fill out th Advisor Agreement Form.

  • Advisor Agreement Form

    This Advisor Agreement Form is required to be filled out by a Jessup Faculty or Staff in order for a club or organization to pursue an active status.

  • Club & Officer Transition Form

    This Club and Officer Transition Form is required to be submitted by April of the Spring semester in order for the club/org to maintain an active status and have up to date information for the following academic year. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.

  • Student Life Club/Org Event Request Form

    Please fill out this form so that we can get your club activity or event on the campus wide engagement calendar and so that you can begin the process if need be with the Jessup Events department!

  • Extra Funding Request

    SGA has advocated for more funding for Clubs & Organizations and how holds the responsibility for approving extra funds. Fill out the form below thoroughly and completely to request extra funding. Be sure to review this process in the handbook.